Monday, January 14, 2013

How Much Fame Could A Famewhore Whore If A Famewhore Could Whore Fame

I mean, I can't with this guy.

So, you probably already know this. Lance Armstrong confessed to Oprah during an interview that will air Thursday on OWin's network that yes, duh, what are you, new? He used performance-enhancing drugs.

As I said, I can't, so I'm going to leave it to a paragraph from a report at about Lance's confession. This really says it all.

Yet Armstrong looked like just another runner getting in his roadwork when he talked to the AP, wearing a red jersey and black shorts, sunglasses and a white baseball cap pulled down to his eyes. Leaning into a reporter's car on the shoulder of a busy Austin road, he seemed unfazed by the attention and the news crews that made stops at his home. He cracked a few jokes about all the reporters vying for his attention, then added, "but now I want to finish my run," and took off down the road.

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